A Latin American perspective for content moderation processes that are compatible with international human rights standards
Contributions for a democratic regulation of big platforms
to ensure freedom of expression online

Give us your opinion. We would like to receive contributions and suggestions for each chapter.
The document is also open for new signatures from organizations working on this field in Latin America.
To sign: contacto@observacom.org
Written by:
Supported by:
Collaboration in drafting the proposal (in a personal capacity)
Javier Pallero
Public Policy Coordinator for Latin America,
Access Now
Valeria Betancourt
Association for Progressive Communications (APC)
Martín Becerra
National University of Quilmes (UnQ), University of Buenos Aires (UBA), Conicet
Joan Barata
Member of Plataforma de Defensa de la Libertad de Información
Andrés Piazza
Consultant, ExLACNIC, ExLACTLD
Juan Ortiz Freuler
Researcher affiliated with the Berkman Klein Center Berkman Klein Center (2019-2020)
Guillermo Mastrini
Research Professor at the National University of Quilmes (UnQ), University of Buenos Aires (UBA), Conicet